Art in Soul

Performance Soul House is not a school. It is a place where you can come and open your heart, play, sing, dance, meditate, talk, paint, or how else you see and feel to allow everyone to reach their full potential. To authentically master their craft, collaborate with peers, and cultivate community through the arts.

Dance Room

Feel your body, open yourself ...


Music Room

Dissolve in musiс...


Theater Room

Enter a new role...


Art Room

Unleash you talents...


Meditation Room

Forget everything outside of you...


Motivation Room

Get inspired to create...



We found each other hear and created our own dance group. We activily perform and decided to open our own dance school to teach children of the kind of dances that move that move the soul.

Greg and Simona

My hisband found this place. It is so good to be here and we always look forward to the next meeting. Every week we leave feeling a sense of rebirth after our yoga and meditation sessions. Amazing place.


There are so many incredible people. I do videography, photography with them and they constantly help me improve my art while workoing on projects together. Many of which are displayed here - lol.


I came here after abandoning my studies IT. People talk about the struggles in attaining their goals. Then get inspired by those around them to overcome their struggles. I'm now a webdesigner, I owe it to this people.


Guys Thanks, this is incredible! I met people I had only ever read about, and with them my music came alive. I look at their creations and am inspired to create my own works. I come in everyday and think, did I really do that?!


I'm glad I came here. Then I was able to open up, and create what seemed to be stupid and rediculous. But it is precisely in this studio that I realized how unique I am and the wonderous work that I had been doing.